Monday, July 28, 2014


not a ton of time today everyone!! another wonderful week! darrell is working towards receiving the priesthood and hannah and jontae are doing great!

sad news. im getting transferred tomorrow. happy news. the church is still  true where i am going. im moving to south lansing to serve with my best buddy elder elwood!! i am gonna miss wyoming like crazy, but i am ready to give south lansing all i got. it totally bites saying goodbye to everyone... especially at church yesterday. ugh. the worst. so sad. but, i will be back for baptisms and i will come back and visit these people who i love so much!
Parker drives a truck now!
Elder Derricott, who was his Comp in the MTC
obedience to the gospel is the most important thing in life. it is nice to have nice things. it is great to have a big house. it is wonderful to have talents and nice cars and nice clothes. nothing is wrong with that. but the most important thing in this world (and, i might add, in the world to come) is whether or not you are obedient to the Gospel and to the laws of God. For he who is not able to abide the law of a celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory. it is the most simple idea in the world. if we are not willing to live the way God lives in this life, then we will not be allowed to live the way God lives in the next life. Here is the great part: even when we mess up with the simple laws He has given us to live, there is hope. there is hope through His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. So, to quote elder holland, if you have made covenants, keep them. if you haven't made them, make them. if you have made them and broken them, repent and repair them. it is God's good pleasure to give us the kingdom. All He asks is that we prepare to receive it. Look forward. Repent every day. Read the scriptures, go to church, pray, so you can have the Spirit with you to change your heart and prepare you to live the life our Father lives.

love you all, have a great week!

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