Monday, May 12, 2014


hey everyone!! not a ton of time this week! sorry!! hope you all had a great mother's day! 
"Sly Money Tie Guy"
(we made this tie out of money and put in his bday package)
Elder Pena and their apartment. Note the Spiderman Easter Basket now being used for who knows what "official" work!!!
we had a great week! many miracles! one of them was that we got a bunch of potential investigator forms sent to sis pawson from a former missionary in this mission and we have been following up on all of them. we have found some new families to teach through this method and it has been great! we really need to just work harder and be more consecrated to the Lord in order to have the faith requisite to pull down the powers of heaven and call miracles into this work. if we want people to be baptized, many miracles need to occur. each time someone is baptized, it is the culmination of daily miracles. we need that, therefore we need more faith!

we must believe in the true nature of God. anything short of believing in His true nature will leave us, as Joseph Smith put it, "in constant doubt of salvation." if we can't count on God to be better than we are, to be unchanging and consistently loving, forgiving, merciful, and giving, then we will be in doubt of salvation. But, when we trust and believe that God is all these things, and is all these things perfectly, then our faith is, again as the Prophet put it, "exceedingly strong." Believing is a choice. and our belief becomes our reality. if we believe that we cannot improve, then that is a choice we make. and since we believe it, it is our reality. we will not change because we believe we cannot. if you do not believe in God, that is a choice you make. therefore, that is your reality. no matter what happens in your life, it will not be attributed to God because you have made the decision to not believe in Him. However, when you do choose to believe, then miracles begin to occur in your life. Some small and simple, some life-changingly large.

believing in, and then living a life that leads to God allows us to be free from many of the sorrows and troubles of our present circumstances. Faith is a principle of power allowing us to act for ourselves and not to be acted upon. We will never know a thing or a principle is true until we have first believed it. until we have first chosen to believe in that thing enough to entertain the notion, even if it is only momentarily, that it may be true, we will never come to know for certain whether it is true or not. so try something new. try having more faith. how do we have more faith? live differently. act on a new principle. live a higher standard. see if your life doesn't change for the better. try to live more like Christ. 

have a great week! love you all!  

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